Whereas......we live in a zeitgeist in which humans are exiled from one another....to be in exile is not just a figurative condition but a literal one....there are artists in exile here (in the US) from their home countries.

...our institution has used codified, inaccessible language to perfect our state of exile....our current zeitgeist has exiled us from the land and its original inhabitants....due to being subjected to an exiled state we have lost our sense of compassion for our neighbors in need.

...those who are in prison are in exile from their community....due to living in a continual state of exile we suffer from mental health issues in varying degrees....the best way to secure the safety of an individual in exile is for them to be known and loved and a part of a loving community.

We propose to put on an abolitionist arts and organizing event series called: A Nation in Exile.

Eternal Gratitude for our Team
If you see them buy them coffee

Organizing Team

Melissa Ferrer


Executive Team 

Chad Oni
Bob Sykora
Abby Bland
JC Franco 

Advisory Commitee

Jose Faus
Dwight Smith

Kathy Liao

Chico Sierra
Xiao Xiao